Australia Greeters welcome you

Australia Greeters are volunteers who are passionate about sharing their love for their city with visitors from around the world. A Greeter will welcome you and take you on a 2-4 hours walk in the city free-of-charge, showing you places, neighborhoods, and off-the-beaten-track spots. You will see the city through the eyes of a local while hearing personal stories, anecdotes, cultural aspects, and experience the city in its authenticity. Read more …

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Adelaide Greeters offers personalised orientation walks of the City, tailored to your interests and available in multiple languages. Our passionate and knowledgeable volunteers will help you discover the City of Adelaide.



With clear blue skies and a pulsing river at our heart, Brisbane is an adventurous urban metropolis with ‎a relaxed and welcoming vibe. We celebrate a subtropical climate as an integral part of our alfresco ‎lifestyle and culture. Stunning natural assets with World Heritage rainforests, mountain peaks, and a ‎pristine bay, all just an hour from the CBD. We are also home to the oldest Aboriginal culture on earth. ‎Brisbane embodies the best of Australia with vibrant dining scenes and stunning new hotels.‎



Sparkling Sydney with its spectacular harbour grew from one of the world’s oldest indigenous ‎cultures. Now an exciting, culturally diverse city it combines vibrant green spaces alongside colonial ‎architecture and award-winning contemporary design to house some of the best restaurants, bars, ‎cafes and shopping in Australia. Set amongst nature’s gems, pristine sandy beaches and forest walks ‎are only ferry ride away. Sydney offers much more than its world-renowned Opera House and ‎Harbour Bridge.‎

Join the Greeters!

There is no Greeter destination in your own place, in Australia or any other country?
Why not establish one?It is much easier than you may think and You will get a lot of help.