This picturesque colonial city is located in the south of Benin, and has several attractive islands whose discovery savours the passion of travel. With its extraordinary landscapes and a favourable environment thanks to its local hotels and restaurants, Grand-Popo always meets the expectations of tourists. The population of Grand-Popo offers socio-cultural activities of leisure and reflection, all around the culinary art.
Benin Greeters welcome you
Benin Greeters are volunteers who are passionate about sharing their love for their city with visitors from around the world. A Greeter will welcome you and take you on a 2-4 hours walk in the city free-of-charge, showing you places, neighborhoods, and off-the-beaten-track spots. You will see the city through the eyes of a local while hearing personal stories, anecdotes, cultural aspects, and experience the city in its authenticity. Read more …