Suecia Greeters la bienvenida

Suecia Greeters son voluntarios apasionados por compartir su amor por la ciudad con visitantes de todo el mundo. Un Greeter le dará la bienvenida y le llevará gratuitamente a dar un paseo de 2 a 4 horas por la ciudad, mostrándole lugares, barrios y rincones poco frecuentados. Verá la ciudad a través de los ojos de un lugareño mientras escucha historias personales, anécdotas, aspectos culturales y experimenta la ciudad en su autenticidad. Seguir leyendo …

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Lund was founded by the Danish king Harald Bluetooth in the end of 960th, which makes it the oldest city in Sweden. During the Danish medieval time, Lund was the archbishop papal centre for 500 years. There were 22 churches and four monasteries. The city was part of the Danish kingdom for almost 700 years, and Swedish the last 360 years.



Strängnäs is an inviting city by the lake Mälaren, with wll preserved buildings that survived the big fire ‎‎1871. Since 1120 Strängnäs is a bishopseat. The cathedral and buildings around remind us about ‎different periods of time (ex. the Vikings). The center has many restaurants and different kinds of ‎shopping and a nice harbor. Strängnäs – Eden of Sweden. You can easily come here by train from ‎Stockholm (50 min 80 km).‎

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