Austria Greeters la bienvenida

Austria Greeters son voluntarios apasionados por compartir su amor por la ciudad con visitantes de todo el mundo. Un Greeter le dará la bienvenida y le llevará gratuitamente a dar un paseo de 2 a 4 horas por la ciudad, mostrándole lugares, barrios y rincones poco frecuentados. Verá la ciudad a través de los ojos de un lugareño mientras escucha historias personales, anécdotas, aspectos culturales y experimenta la ciudad en su autenticidad. Seguir leyendo …

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Tyrol claims to be the «heart of the Alps». And Innsbruck is right in the middle of it. That location is what makes this city so special. There are sights to visit, of course, like the «golden roof», the «black men’s church» or the ski jump – the most outstanding feature, however, is that breathtaking view of a downtown with a 2.000 m high stone wall behind it (called mountains).



You are interested in getting to know in-depth Eastern Styria, our culinary land of milk and honey ‎where people live both tradition and sustainability with a passion? You would like to explore the rural ‎areas and charming villages of Eastern Styria and are seeking a personal encounter with the ‎residents? You wish to get an authentic impression of everyday life and explore in depth the ‎countryside?‎



Come on a free, private and personal walk through the city. Walks are open to everyone, alone or in small groups up to a maximum of six people. At least one member of the group must be 18 years old or older. Tell us a little bit about yourselves and what you’re interested in, and we’ll do our best to find a Greeter for your visit. Once we’ve found a Greeter, they will contact you by email. If we are unable to organise a Greet for your visit, we will contact you directly and let you know.

¡Únete a los Greeters!

There is no Greeter destination in your own place?
Why not establish one? It is much easier than you may think and you will get a lot of help.