Reino Unido Greeters la bienvenida

Reino Unido Greeters son voluntarios apasionados por compartir su amor por la ciudad con visitantes de todo el mundo. Un Greeter le dará la bienvenida y le llevará gratuitamente a dar un paseo de 2 a 4 horas por la ciudad, mostrándole lugares, barrios y rincones poco frecuentados. Verá la ciudad a través de los ojos de un lugareño mientras escucha historias personales, anécdotas, aspectos culturales y experimenta la ciudad en su autenticidad. Seguir leyendo …

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Dover is a small town with a huge history. The Harbour is a busy ferry port, welcoming cruise ships and pleasure craft of all sizes. Dover Castle founded in the 11th century has been described as “The Key to the Kingdom”. It sits on top of the White Cliffs of Dover and looks across the English Channel to France. Every king and queen of England has visited Dover. We have Roman Dover, medieval buildings still in use, such as the Maison Dieu (1203) and so much more. And the views ….



The London Greeters offer to visitors the unique experience of a locals’ knowledge and introduction to what makes London a vibrant and exciting place to visit. If you have a special interest we can match you with a London Greeter who shares that interest; whether you want to learn more about local history, infamous residents, culture, sport, architecture or art, or to explore the many markets – take advantage of their knowledge and passion and discover something new about London.

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Why not establish one? It is much easier than you may think and you will get a lot of help.