Trieste Greeters
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ Free Personal Walking Tour with a Local

Discover Trieste through a free personal walk with a local

With its multicultural heritage, Trieste offers many unforgettable places. Piazza Unità, as stunning waterfront beauty which is the largest square by the sea in Europe. Canal Grande: a picturesque waterway lined with colorful buildings, cafes, and restaurants. Molo Audace: a scenic pier extends into the sea and provides beautiful views of the coastline. It’s a lovely place to enjoy the sea breeze. Trieste’s culinary scene is a treasure of flavors, blending Italian and Austro-Hungarian influences. Sip on a coffee at a historic café or savor seafood fresh from the Adriatic!

Scala degli Armeni
Cattedrale di San Giusto
The red skyscraper

Request your Trieste Greeter here!

The Greeters are avilable on Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Tell us about your plans to visit our city

Click here to submit your Greet request!

Remember: A Greet means meeting a local resident to walk around town with you as new friends. The first step will be to talk to the Greeter about the details of your personalized tour. It's not about taking part in a standardized tour, but about exploring the city with an expert volunteer .

Who are the Greeters?

Trieste Greeters are volunteers who will share their love for the city with you in an enthusiastic and hospitable manner. A Greeter will take you on a free walking tour through the city for a couple of hours allowing you to experience our city in a unique way. Don't miss the opportunity to connect with an authentic resident and gain a deeper understanding of our vibrant city. Contact us today to arrange your personalized tour. Our support and guidance come completely free of charge. For families, mini groups or people travelling solo – a truly enriching experience and absolutely free!

What our guests say

Our Greeter in Trieste was very patient despite our tardiness, her welcome was wonderful, the tour excellent and you can clearly sense that she cares about showcasing every facet of her town.
Susan and Karl


Scoprire Trieste Greeters è stata davvero una fortuna e poter passeggiare perle vie di questa bellissima città con Massimo è stata un'esperienza nuova e davvero interessante. Con la sua passione e l'apprezzatissima disponibilità ci ha trasmesso l'amore per la sua città facendo così questo pomeriggio indimenticabile e lasciandoci con il desiderio di ritornarci!


Click here to send us your personal review on your latest Greet!

Become a Trieste Greeter or send us an email!