Giappone Greeters vi danno il benvenuto

Giappone Greeters sono volontari che condividono con passione l'amore per la propria città con i visitatori di tutto il mondo. Un Greeter vi accoglierà e vi accompagnerà gratuitamente in una passeggiata di 2-4 ore in città, mostrandovi luoghi, quartieri e posti fuori dai sentieri battuti. Vedrete la città attraverso gli occhi di un abitante del luogo, ascoltando storie personali, aneddoti, aspetti culturali e vivendo la città nella sua autenticità. Per saperne di più …

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Kyoto is Japan’s old capital, where is still now the cultural center of Japan. We have 17 world heritages and much more beautiful traditional places. If you would like to feel traditional atmosphere, cultures and customs, Kyoto is the best choice of visit without any doubt.
Kyoto Greeters will spend several hours with you following your plan as a ‘local friend’ in Kyoto to let you know more of our city, local cultures and customs.



Why don’t you walk through Tokyo with us? Along the way, you will pass through beautifully ‎landscaped gardens, ancient temples and shrines, bustling shopping arcades, crowded business ‎districts, and quiet residential streets. You will be surrounded by traditional architecture and tall ‎gleaming skyscrapers of glass and steel. Thousands of restaurants beckon with neon signs and paper ‎lanterns. Smiles are everywhere, excitement is in the air and a surprise waits around every corner.‎

Unitevi ai Greeters!

There is no Greeter destination in your own place?
Why not establish one? It is much easier than you may think and you will get a lot of help.