Maastricht Greeters
Tour a piedi personalizzato gratuito con un locale
Scopri Maastricht con un tour privato e gratuito a piedi con un abitante del luogo
Maastricht (120,000 inhabitants) combines a rich history with a lively atmosphere. Maastricht is the least Dutch city in the Netherlands, surrounded by Flemish, Walloon and German borders. The city bustles with life thanks to the international population, so you will hear a mix of languages on the streets. With more than 400 places to eat and drink Maastricht has something for everyone.
Maastricht Greeters are enthusiastic volunteers who will share their love for the city with you. They will take you to their favorite spots, from well-known sights to hidden gems. A tour with a Greeter feels like a walk with a friend. The length of the tour is flexible, usually up to 2 hours. As we work with groups of 6 people maximum, we can respond to your individual interests. We are here for families, small groups or people travelling alone.
Pictures © by Maastricht Marketing, Photographers Hugo Thomassen, Jonathan Vos
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Ci parli dei vostri progetti per la visita alla nostra città
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Ricordate: Un Greet significa incontrare un residente locale per passeggiare in città con voi come nuovi amici. Il primo passo sarà quello di parlare con il Greeter dei dettagli del vostro tour personalizzato. Non si tratta di partecipare a un tour standardizzato, ma di esplorare la città con un volontario esperto.