Milan Greeters
Tour a piedi personalizzato gratuito con un locale
Scopri Milan con un tour privato e gratuito a piedi con un abitante del luogo
Coming in Milan you arrive to a unique city. It’s a lot of things: elegant, full of life and culture, modern and ancient all in once. Its churches and museums are rich in masterpieces, such as Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper. The Duomo, Sforza Castle and modern buildings like Vertical Forest shows the path of architecture in history. Its University life is vibrant as well as the nightlife, with theatres, pubs and clubs. Milan is the global capital of fashion and design and its traditional food will amaze everybody. Milan Greeters are volunteers who give an authentic insight into life in their city. They are not city guides. For guided tour of monuments and museums, please visit tour guides website. The meeting focus on the dialog between guest and greeters. All guests can expect the kind of walk you would take with friends, a conversation at eye level about life in the cities where guests and greeters live.
Prenota il tuo Milan Greeter qui
Ci parli dei vostri progetti per la visita alla nostra città
Clicca qui per inviare la tua richiesta di Greet!
Ricordate: Un Greet significa incontrare un residente locale per passeggiare in città con voi come nuovi amici. Il primo passo sarà quello di parlare con il Greeter dei dettagli del vostro tour personalizzato. Non si tratta di partecipare a un tour standardizzato, ma di esplorare la città con un volontario esperto.