Guangzhou Greeters
‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎Balade gratuite avec un local

Découvrez Guangzhou lors d'une visite privée gratuite à pied avec un habitant

Guangzhou is a vibrant city with a rich history, thriving economy, and diverse culinary scene. By exploring the impressive tourist attractions like Canton Tower and Shamian Island, and immersing yourself in the local communities, you get to experience the daily life of the people of Guangzhou.

Joining the locals for a “san yun yee gin” (sharing a pot of tea) and embracing the unique “Lo” and “Chit-Chat” culture, you can truly understand the city on a deeper level. Exploring this city with one of our local guides, we will create a unique itinerary based on your interests.

We look forward to exploring Guangzhou with you!

Shamian Island, Guangzhou

Shamian Island is a small, tranquil island located in the city of Guangzhou. It is renowned for its historic European-style architecture, which reflects its past as a treaty port during the 19th century. The island is lined with beautiful tree-lined streets, colonial buildings, and charming cafes. Visitors can stroll along the riverside promenade, explore the island’s unique blend of Chinese and Western cultural heritage, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. Shamian Island is a popular tourist destination and a wonderful place to immerse oneself in history and experience the charm of old Guangzhou.

Guangzhou Martyrs’ Cemetery

Guangzhou Martyrs’ Cemetery is a significant historical site located in Guangzhou, China. It serves as a memorial and resting place for the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for China’s independence and revolution. The cemetery was established in 1928 and covers a vast area with beautifully landscaped gardens and monuments. It is home to thousands of martyrs’ graves, each representing a hero who fought bravely for the nation’s freedom and ideals. The cemetery holds great historical and cultural importance and is a solemn place for paying respects and reflecting on the sacrifices made by these individuals. It stands as a symbol of national pride and serves as a reminder of the valiant struggle for China’s liberation.

Guangzhou Sacred Heart Cathedral

Sacred Heart Cathedral, also known as the Stone House Cathedral, is a historic Catholic church located inGuangzhou, China. It is considered one of the most significantreligious landmarks in the city. The cathedral was constructed in the late 19th century and features a combination of Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles. It is characterized by its majestic facade, towering spires, and intricate stained glass windows. The interior of the cathedral is equally impressive, with grand arches, beautiful artwork, and a serene atmosphere.

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N'oubliez pas : Un Greet signifie rencontrer un résident local pour se promener en ville avec vous comme de nouveaux amis. La première étape consiste à discuter avec le Greeter des détails de votre visite personnalisée. Il ne s'agit pas de participer à une visite standardisée, mais d'explorer la ville avec un bénévole expérimenté.

Qui sont les Greeters?

Gouagzhou Greeters
Guangzhou Greeters sont des bénévoles qui partagent avec vous leur amour de la ville de manière enthousiaste et hospitalière. Un Greeter se promènera avec vous dans la ville pendant quelques heures, vous permettant ainsi de découvrir notre ville d'une manière unique. Pour les familles, les amis ou les personnes voyageant seules - une expérience vraiment enrichissante et absolument gratuit!

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