Newtown Greeters
Balade gratuite avec un local
Newtown Greeters will be available soon!
Are you planning to visit us and would like to enjoy a Greet? We would love to show you our favorite places but be are just only building up our group. So, please try to request a Greet for your next visit!Découvrez Newtown lors d'une visite privée gratuite à pied avec un habitant
Greeters welcome visitors to Newtown and take them on a personal, two- to three-hour walk showing them the city beyond the guide books and off the beaten track. Greeters are volunteers who love their city and are keen to share with you their enthusiasm and knowledge about the city or region.
During your walk, you’ll discover Newtown on foot or using public transport network. Whether you’re visiting our city for the first time, or are a regular visitor, we welcome you and look forward to showing you a part of “our” city. Discover our city behind the scenes; hear what it’s like to live here; catch up on the latest city gossip and get to know the place in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Qui sont les Greeters?

Copenhagen Greeters are volunteers who will share their love for the city with you in an enthusiastic and hospitable manner. A Greeter will walk with you through the city for a couple of hours and help you experience Copenhagen in a unique way. For families, friends or people traveling solo – a truly enriching experience and its absolutely free!
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Be one of the first Newtown Greeters, help us starting the adventure!
A new Greeter destination needs at least three Greeters. So, if you are interested starting Newtown Greeters please use this contact form and we will contact you.
Header Image: Katharina Wieland Müller / | Garden Image: Rainer Sturm /