Oststeiermark Greeters
Balade gratuite avec un local
Découvrez Oststeiermark lors d'une visite privée gratuite à pied avec un habitant
Welcome to Greeters Oststeiermark!
You are interested in getting to know in-depth Eastern Styria, our culinary ‘land of milk and honey’ – where people live both tradition and sustainability with a passion? You would like to explore the rural areas and charming villages of Eastern Styria and are seeking a personal encounter with the residents? You wish to get an authentic impression of everyday life and explore in depth the countryside?
By meeting our Greeters you can satisfy your curiosity, learn about people and culture and meet new friends. Our voluntary Greeters will be happy to meet you and show you their first personal choices – the must-see places of Eastern Styria – all for free.
Greeters Oststeiermark love to show you the beauty of our villages but also the multifaceted nature in our region. You can visit our highlights of course but do not hesitate to ask for the hidden treasures, for places that you will not find in any guidebook and allow yourself to be amazed.
Ask for advice where to buy the best regional products from farmers e.g. pumpkin seed oil, schnapps, fruit juices, vine, bread or other delicacies (like products from the Pöllauer autumn pears). Or where you find the most cosy “Buschenschank” (local vinery with homemade food). Our Greeters are willing to show you our special highlights of our Region. These highlights are part of our history so they are part of our lives. However, our Greeters also want to show the things that you will not find in a guidebook or are hard to discover if you are just wandering about.
Réserver votre balade à Oststeiermark ici!
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N'oubliez pas : Un Greet signifie rencontrer un résident local pour se promener en ville avec vous comme de nouveaux amis. La première étape consiste à discuter avec le Greeter des détails de votre visite personnalisée. Il ne s'agit pas de participer à une visite standardisée, mais d'explorer la ville avec un bénévole expérimenté.
Qui sont les Greeters?

Ce que disent nos hôtes
I am impressed by the extensive hilly wine landscape and the impressive architecture in Eastern Styria. It was a very exciting Greet with a very revealing personal conversation. I highly recommend a Greet in Eastern Styria.