Xian Greeters

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Xi’an, also known as Chang’an, is the ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties. It is a city where ancient times collide with trends. The ancient city walls carry a rich history, and here, you can see the glorious history of China. In Xi’an, you can see the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda where Master Xuanzang translated Buddhist scriptures. You can see the Terra Cotta Warriors, which is known as one of the world’s top ten rare treasures of ancient tombs. At the same time, the Shaanxi Provincial History Museum can take you to appreciate the 5000 year history of China. Yanta Morning Bell, Yiyi Baliu, don’t you want to see Chang’an praised by many poets? Strolling on the streets of Xi’an, in addition to experiencing the long history, you can also experience the ordinary life of modern Chinese people and the rich cuisine of China. There will be hundreds of traditional snacks in the market in the morning. You can taste exquisite Shaanxi cuisine for lunch, and authentic barbecue will satisfy your stomach for dinner. Xi’an, a city that comes but doesn’t want to leave.

Xian Greeters  -Xingqing Park
Xian Greeters - Xi'an Lantern Festival
Xian Greeters - Roast Meat

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Recuerda: Un Greet significa conocer a un residente local para pasear por la ciudad con usted como nuevos amigos. El primer paso será hablar con el Greeter sobre los detalles de su visita personalizada. No se trata de participar en un recorrido estandarizado, sino de explorar la ciudad con un voluntario experimentado.

¿Quiénes son los Greeters?

Xian Greeters
Xian Greeters son voluntarios que compartirán con usted su amor por la ciudad de forma entusiasta y hospitalaria. Un Greeter caminará con usted por la ciudad durante un par de horas, permitiéndole experimentar nuestra ciudad de una manera única. Para familias, amigos o personas que viajan solas: ¡una experiencia realmente enriquecedora y totalmente gratis!

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